September 2025 Calendar - Free Printable with Holidays and Observances (2025)


In the Gregorian and Julian calendars, September is the 9th month of every year. There are a total of 4 months which have 30 days and September is the third of them. If we talk about the Northern Hemisphere, it is the March’s equivalent in the Southern Hemisphere, season wise. If we talk about the Southern hemisphere, this month is the commencing of the meteorological spring. September is also the beginning of the ecclesiastical year in the Orthodox Eastern church. It is the month when the academic year starts and the students start with their studies. That is why, having a 2025 September printable calendar is extremely necessary for the student. Actually, it is the end of the summer season and the end of the summer break for the children. It is when cold breezes start and the weather begins to become cold.

The word September actually means seven in Latin, as it was the 7th month of the Roman calendar until about the time when the King Numa Pompilius added the month of January and February in the calendar. The modern blankSeptember 2025 calendar has now 30 days and it is officially the 9th month of the year. Moreover, it originally had 29 days but the Julian reform changed its days from being 29 to 30.

September is the month of joy. People begin to feel cold and all of the US’s landscape is of green, yellow or orange color. This is the beginning of the fall season when the leaves start to fall off from the trees and the children begin to crush the dry or dead leaves under their feet. This is the month when you can see less green and more brown, yellow and orange. Moreover, it is the month when the nights start to become longer than ever. The sunlight fades away fast and you finally, you can have one sleep for one more hour because of longer nights. It is hard to keep up with the events and the important dates in September. That is why, it is better to have a September 2025 printable calendar to keep up with the upcoming events in your school or in the US.

September is the month when the month when the nights become colder than the summer season. It is the official soccer and baseball season. Players warm up in this season to play the best and the birds start to migrate. The sky looks beautiful nearly every day because of the visible horizon and the migrating birds. However, the plants grow slowly in this month due to less daylight. It is the month when you can wear sweaters but you won’t wear them during the day.

A lot happens in the month of September. Even if you are a child or an adult, you need a September calendar template to keep up with the month of the fall. By having a blank September 2025 calendar, not only can you mark the important school events, but you can also mark the important days celebrated all across the US. It is better to buy September printable calendar to mark the dates easily.



Labor Day is usually celebrated on the 1st of May all across the globe but the Labor Day in the US is celebrated on the first Monday of every September, annually. It is a federal holiday. It means that you can only find this holiday in the September 2025 printable calendars for US only. On this holiday, the citizens and the government officials pay tribute to the hard work and the efforts of every labor who works for the development, prosperity, betterment and peace of the United States of America.

This holiday was recognized by the first labor parade in New York City. Oregano, a state of the US, recognized and accepted this day as a federal holiday to pay tribute to all the laborers in the US. It became an official federal holiday in the year 1894.

Labor day also marks the end of the summer break for the children. After this holiday, the classes of the students commence and many of the sports and vocational activities start to begin. It is the month in which there is a lot of hustle and bustle. A lot happens in this month. So, if you are a student or a government official or a labor, it better to buy a September 2025 printable calendar or the blank September 2025 calendar so that you can mark the important day of the Labor parade in the US.


Citizenship day occurs on 17th of September. The 17th of September commemorates the day when the constitution for the US for formed in the year 1787. However, it is just an event or an important day to mark in your September 2025 printable calendar. There is no public or federal holiday. Businesses run in the usual operational hours.

On this day, many people and government officials display the US flag on the buildings and the presidents also advise the officials in educational sector to organize the events in schools, colleges and universities regarding the Citizenship. Citizenship in the US gives out a true patriot feeling. If you are living in the US and somehow forget this important date, you would be very embarrassed. That is why, it is better to keep a September template calendar and mark the day to show true patriotism to the people.


The International peace day is celebrated on the 21st of September. There is no public holiday on the 21st of September. However, this date or the event is to enjoy the rights, peace and the liberalism we have. Peace is an important factor which keeps us safe from the world wars. If we weren’t in peace with our neighboring countries, we would have been attacked by them now. The concept of this date is to recognize the freedom and peace we observe in between the countries, in between the people and with ourselves.

This event was established by the United Nations, a peace organization, in the year 1981. The main motive of the Sustainable Development goals set on this day is to eliminate hunger and poverty. Moreover, these goals also suggest that every person should be safe and given equal rights regardless of gender. In short, peace is the single most important factor which is keeping the nations together. If you are at peace with yourself, it is better to have a blank September calendar or the September printable calendar to celebrate the beauty of peace.


  • Founding of the Los Angeles by a Spanish Governor (4th September 1781)
  • Establishment of US’s Post Office Department (24th September 1789)
  • Discovery of Penicillin by Alexander Fleming (28th September 1928)
  • Publishment of ‘The Hobbit’ (21st September, 1937)
  • Luna, a man-made object made it to the moon (13th September, 1959)
  • Development of NASA’S first space shuttle (19th September, 1976)
  • Founding of the most famous search engine, Google (7th September 1998)
  • World Trade Centre attack (11th September 2001)


September is the month of the mall and the beginning of a new academic session. Hence, the students should have a September template calendar or a September printable calendar to mark the important public and school events.

Explore Our Range of September 2025 Calendar Templates

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Free Printable September 2025 Calendar
September 2025 Calendar Printable (Monday)
September 2025 Calendar Printable Template
September 2025 Calendar

Blank September 2025 Calendar PDF

We merged 4 different templates in a single PDF file. Just click on the link below to free download calendars now.

Download September 2025 Calendar PDF


View the printable 2025 calendar.

DateSunriseSunsetDay length
September 1, 202506:2319:2813h 05m
September 2, 202506:2419:2613h 02m
September 3, 202506:2519:2412h 59m
September 4, 202506:2619:2312h 57m
September 5, 202506:2719:2112h 54m
September 6, 202506:2819:2012h 52m
September 7, 202506:2919:1812h 49m
September 8, 202506:3019:1612h 46m
September 9, 202506:3119:1512h 44m
September 10, 202506:3219:1312h 41m
September 11, 202506:3319:1112h 38m
September 12, 202506:3419:1012h 36m
September 13, 202506:3519:0812h 33m
September 14, 202506:3619:0612h 30m
September 15, 202506:3719:0512h 28m
September 16, 202506:3819:0312h 25m
September 17, 202506:3919:0112h 22m
September 18, 202506:4018:5912h 19m
September 19, 202506:4118:5812h 17m
September 20, 202506:4218:5612h 14m
September 21, 202506:4318:5412h 11m
September 22, 202506:4418:5312h 09m
September 23, 202506:4518:5112h 06m
September 24, 202506:4618:4912h 03m
September 25, 202506:4718:4812h 01m
September 26, 202506:4818:4611h 58m
September 27, 202506:4918:4411h 55m
September 28, 202506:5018:4311h 53m
September 29, 202506:5118:4111h 50m
September 30, 202506:5218:3911h 47m

All the times are calculated according to the US / Eastern time zone. New York / US sunrise and sunset times are shown by day in the September 2025 calendar. New cities will be added very soon.

September 2025 Holidays

Date Day Holiday Day left
September 01 Monday Labor Day 2025 226
September 07 Sunday Grandparents' Day 2025 232
September 11 Thursday Patriot Day or September 11th 2025 236
September 16 Tuesday Stepfamily Day 2025 241
September 17 Wednesday Citizenship Day 2025 242
September 26 Friday Native American Day 2025 251

View the 2025 holidays.

September 2025 Calendar - Free Printable with Holidays and Observances (2025)


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